Some questions are easier to ask than others. If you’re looking for insights into the concerns and anxieties of your forty-something female clients, look no further than Chatelaine’s This is 40(ish) survey.


How much money do you make?

  • Less than $30,000 – 21%
  • $30,000 to $50,000 – 29%
  • $50,001 to $75,000 – 23%

Read: Women succeeding in financial services, says study

  • $75,001 to $100,000 – 16%
  • $100,001 to $125,000 – 4%
  • More than $125,000 – 5%

Is that more or less than you deserve?

  • More – 8%
  • Less – 54%
  • About right – 38%

Is that more or less than your partner makes?

  • More – 27%
  • Less – 55%
  • About the same – 18%

Sixteen percent of respondents say “spending money” is among the things that make them feel guilty.

Where are you in your career?

  • Further ahead than I thought I’d be – 14%
  • Behind where I thought I’d be – 44%
  • About where I imagined – 43%

What’s your biggest obstacle to getting ahead?

  • Family – 20%
  • Lack of time – 7%
  • Lack of ambition – 2%
  • Lack of opportunities – 31%
  • Lack of training or skill – 14%
  • Lack of confidence – 15%

Read more here.

Also read:

Majority of women are breadwinners

Advising new breadwinners

Client confidential: Lesley Isaacs

Client confidential: Victoria Summerhill Fox