S&P Dow Jones Indices has launched the S&P Long-Term Value Creation (LTVC) Global Index.

The S&P LTVC Global Index is designed to measure companies that have the potential to create long-term value based on sustainability criteria and financial quality. Canada Pension Plan Investment Board (CPPIB) worked collaboratively with S&P DJI to develop the index.

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The index is comprised of companies that have demonstrated the ability to manage both current and future economic and governance opportunities and risks by focusing on a long-term strategy. These companies must also have a sustained history of financial quality. Companies with these characteristics are more likely to maintain a competitive advantage and thereby sustain stakeholder value.

The S&P LTVC Global Index is constructed by combining qualitative and quantitative measures into a single metric to determine the potential for long-term value addition. The Economic Dimension Scores provided by RobecoSAM are included in the qualitative assessment to gauge corporate governance effectiveness. The quantitative assessment consists of drivers of long-term investment returns – Return on Equity, Balance Sheet Accruals ratio and leverage ratio.

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