Thomson Reuters has released its latest greenhouse gas report, which includes greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions data from the world’s 500 largest businesses (the global 500). The report was written in collaboration with global sustainability consultancy firm BSD Consulting.

The report finds the global 500 currently represent roughly 28% of the world’s GDP and that they collectively emitted 10% of the world’s greenhouse-gas emissions over the last five years.

On the upside, it adds, there’s been a decoupling between economic performance and emissions output over that period: revenues for the global 500 grew roughly 5% over a four-year period, while emissions increased by 1%.

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The report lists the global 500 companies that saw the largest increases and decreases in emissions over the last four years; the company that saw the largest decrease was utilities company SSE from the U.K., while energy company Coal India saw the most significant increase.

The top 20 emitters over the same period include companies from the U.S., South America, Europe and Asia.

“We are seeing a positive trend across the global 500 to limit their GHG emissions, consistent with recommendations from the international scientific community,” says Tim Nixon, managing editor of Sustainability at Thomson Reuters and co-author of the report. “Limiting environmental impact is no longer just about doing the right thing [because] organizations recognize sustainable business growth is central to mitigating risk.”

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John Moorhead, Head of Climate Change Practice at BSD, notes carbon pricing, innovation in technology and business models, and responsible investment are areas to watch. Read the full report.

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