For September 28, 2016, the OSC’s Investor Advisory Panel is jointly organizing a risk assessment roundtable with the OSC Investor Office. The roundtable will explore the findings of a 2015 research report that examines the current practices used in Canada–and across the globe–to determine a client’s risk profile.

The roundtable will also look at possible next steps to improve the risk profiling of investors. At the event, members of the research team that worked on the report will join participants from the financial services industry and other areas. A public report on the outcomes and findings of the roundtable will follow.

The IAP also congratulates Shawn Brayman, president of PlanPlus Inc., and Dr. John Grable of the University of Georgia–two of the authors of the report–for receiving the Best Applied Research award at the Financial Planning Association 2016 Annual Conference.

PlanPlus Inc. was asked by the IAP in March 2015 to perform research into the current risk assessment practices in the Canadian marketplace and to evaluate these practices compared to best practices globally. The final report was published in November 2015.