More than three-quarters of Canadians (79%) believe that working for themselves is less risky than working for someone else, because they can control their own financial future, finds an RBC poll.

A full 60% of Canadians say they’ve thought about starting a business, and there are a number of reasons people take the plunge. Of those surveyed, 92% said they would start businesses to have control over their careers, while 92% want to be their own bosses.

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Of those Canadians who thought about starting a business, many are waiting for a big idea. However, just 43% of actual business owners said that a great idea drove them to start a business.

Before your client lends cash to a friend or loved one to start a business, make sure they do so prudently. Bankruptcy trustee Ted Michalos writes, “Many clients know all about the benefits and perils of borrowing money, but it’s likely they’re less prepared to be lenders.” Read more here.

The RBC Small Business Poll was conducted by Ipsos from August 11-16, 2016. More than 1,200 surveys were completed online by Canadian adults, with more than 200 people represented in six different regions (British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan/Manitoba, Ontario, Quebec and Atlantic Canada). The poll is accurate to within ±3.2 percentage points had all Canadian adults been polled.

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