To make it easier for you to prepare materials for clients, we’ve developed these slide selections on the opportunities and pitfalls clients face when entering their peak earnings years. The slides are designed to help you educate investors and prospects. We know you’ll want to customize them and add elements specific to your clients, so we’re providing a Word file to make that easier. All you need to do is fill in your own details and then move the slides into your favourite presentation software or app.

Enjoy, and we hope this offering helps enhance your client meetings.

Slide 1

Your Peak Earning Years

Opportunity and danger

Slide 2

Are you 45-55?

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CONGRATULATIONS: you’ve entered your peak earnings years.

Slide 3

Source: Statistics Canada

Slide 4

FACT: your peak earnings years can be a time of extreme financial opportunity . . .

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…but also a time of extreme financial danger.

Slide 5

The source of that danger: shifting financial priorities.

Slide 6

How will you…

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Pay down debt?

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Invest for the future?

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Cross items of your bucket list?

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Pay for your children’s educations?

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Support aging parents?