Investors Group is adding two mandates to its product offering: a equity mandate, IG Putnam Low Volatility U.S. Equity Fund (with a corporate class version), and an enhancement to its product offering in Investors Group Corporate Class, Investors Dividend Class, which emulates the popular Investors Dividend Fund.

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IG Putnam Low Volatility U.S. Equity Fund and Class: Aims to provide long-term capital growth by investing primarily in U.S. equity securities, usually across all sectors, while providing lower volatility over a full market cycle. The class initially intends to invest primarily in units of the fund, but may invest in other Investors Group funds, and directly in equity securities.

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Investors Dividend Class: Seeks above-average income yield on its investments. It aims to protect the value of its investments and achieve long-term capital appreciation consistent with the achievement of its first two objectives by initially investing primarily in units of Investors Dividend Fund. However, it may invest in other Investors Group fund(s), directly in equity and fixed income securities.

The new class intends to distribute ordinary dividends quarterly, which differs from other Investors Group Corporate Class mandates, in addition to offering monthly ordinary dividends and/or return of capital distributions in various “T” series.

Subject to regulatory approval, IG Putnam Low Volatility U.S. Equity Fund and Class and Investors Dividend Class are expected to be available in December 2013.

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