The auto-response email is a delicate art and often it’s botched, says New York Magazine.

Here are a few ways NYMag devised to avoid a professional faux-pas the next time you take a three-day weekend or go down to Cuba while the rest of Canada is wearing thermal underwear.

Read: Are you getting enough vacation time?

Don’t brag about where you’re going. If you’re heading off on a Mediterranean cruise and won’t be reachable by email, don’t say that in your auto-response — you’ll look like a braggart.

Don’t show off how important you are by directing people to more than one assistant. Aside from the confusion this causes, you’ll end up looking like a braggart again.

Don’t include multiple ways of contacting you. It’s overkill. “This is an out-of-office message, not a last will and testament,” says NY Mag.

For the other four mistakes to dodge, read more here.

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Prospecting on vacation

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