Women in Capital Markets (WCM) and BMO Capital Markets have created an award to help women re-establish careers in finance after an extended absence: the BMO Women in Capital Markets Return to Bay Street Award.

“There are many reasons women opt out of the workforce,” says Martha Fell, CEO of WCM. But the return can be difficult.

“Women are concerned their skills are out of date or their networks are weak. They don’t know how to make that leap of faith.”

Even when they do leap, returning women often face a Catch-22: they can’t get a job without recent experience, and can’t get recent experience without a job. To address this, the BMO-WCM award provides a paid, three-month internship with BMO Capital Markets, $5,000 towards a continuing education program, enrolment in WCM’s mentor program and a one-year WCM membership.

Fell cites the story of one woman whose boss called to ask her to return to Bay Street after years away, but notes many women tend to wait for a call rather than make it.

“This award is one way of saying, ‘We want you.’”

Other programs
1. Back to Work
Sponsoring organizations: TD Bank Financial Group and Rotman School of Business
Program length: 10 days over three months
Fee: $1,950 (includes materials, meals, childcare)
Next session: September 2011

2. ReConnect
Sponsoring organizations: CIBC and Ivey School of Business
Program length: 7 days
Fee: $3,500 (includes meals, accommodations)
Next sessions: October and November 2011