Falling oil prices. Political unrest. The debt crisis in Europe. Retirees around the world, who rely on their investment earnings, are feeling a little uncertain. Read our picks of global articles that discuss these uncertainties, the opportunities and the conversations to have with clients.

Financial uncertainty in Europe: How should it affect your investing decisions? The Wall Street Journal’s Brian Blackstone, Paul Hannon and Marcus Walker explore the European Central Bank’s attempt to stimulate the economy with a bond-buying program. Here the Telegraph’s Kyle Caldwell tells investors how to make money from the move.

Why you might want to dump your oil stocks. If you think the argument for getting rid of fossil fuel stocks only works if you’re a tree hugger, read this Rolling Stone article by Tim Dickinson. It makes the case that, as painful as the current downturn has been, it’s just a taste of what’s to come.

And replace them with…On the plus side, the Globe and Mail’s investment reporter Tim Shufelt offers stock picks for skittish investors in a low-oil market.

Advice for skittish investors. Andrew Silton, a correspondent for the Economist, makes the point that it’s wise to stick with the program when it comes to investing. The reason: Our brains aren’t wired for realistically assessing the prospects of making money, as opposed to losing it.

Have a limited amount of cash? Think carefully about where you want to retire. National Post’s Garry Marr explores how moving to a smaller town might be part of your retirement strategy. Looking for suggestions on where you can stretch your dollars? Check out Christine Mushka’s article on six retirement hot spots pegged by readers of the Globe and Mail.