Famous Danish philosopher Soren Kierkegaard described anxiety as “the dizziness of freedom.” And there’s something to that. Routines form the fabric of most people’s lives, and a deviation from the routine can be disorienting and even frightening.

Small wonder the prospect of retirement often generates a fair bit of anxiety in clients who worry about all the changes it will bring. This month’s Global View offers insights into some of the most common concerns about retirement and how to combat them.

Not enough money. Writing for MarketWatch, Alessandra Malito looks at a recent report from Vanguard Inc. indicating that anxiety around retirement finances is common in people in Canada, the U.S., the U.K. and Australia. Tellingly, the remedy just may be actually retiring, when that anxiety seems to recede somewhat.

The market tanking. Particularly for clients who can’t rely on a pension plan, the prospect of a bear market is very, very scary. But this Globe and Mail article by Daina Lawrence makes the case that for low-risk investors, being able to sleep at night could cost them a comfortable retirement.

Not enough to do. Everyone gripes about work sometimes, but for most clients, it provides a sense of purpose and a place to go every day. Corine Gatti of Beliefnet takes the approach that planning time in retirement is as important as planning finances. Among her suggestions for staying young and vital in retirement: travel more, take a yoga class or simply do something new.

Too much to do. While atrophying in retirement isn’t advisable, becoming an unpaid drudge in retirement wouldn’t be the dream of most clients. Amelia Hill’s article in the Guardian suggests people should have a solid plan in place for what they want out of retirement, and sings the praises of “proper selfishness” – ensuring that retirement isn’t given over to your family’s demands.