Heading into 2014, the top resolution of U.S. advisors is to increase referrals from clients, finds an SEI survey.

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That goal was chosen by 85% of the planners surveyed. It was followed by increasing efficiency (67%), integrating automated services (59%), meeting new industry experts (59%), being more selective when bringing on clients (48%), and using social media more (31%).


The survey also found more than half of advisors are optimistic about 2014. Another 18% are excited about their business prospects in 2014.

When asked to predict where the Dow Jones Industrial Average will be at the end of 2014, the majority (87%) predicted it would rise. More than half (55%) said it would be between 16,500 and 17,500, while 21% predict the Dow will be between 16,000 and 16,500. The remaining advisors were split on whether it would be higher than 17,500 or dip below 16,000.

In terms of concerns, nearly half (41%) of those polled said a market pullback was their greatest fear, followed by Fed tapering (24%) and tax increases (15%).


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