investment returns

Mona Rossiter, 50s, consultant, St. John’s, N.L.

From my personal research, I expect an annual return of 4% to 5%. My advisor and I picked investments—aligned with modest returns and medium risk—that give me that return. I would like to have 8% to 10%, but there are years when you’re not getting that. So I wouldn’t want to fall below 4%. My investment advisor is a low-risk kind of guy. We need to have a chat about whether I should be more aggressive in some places.

André C., 47, works in international trade and investment, Moncton, N.B.

I expect my returns to be above industry standards. If the advisor expects a 5% return, then I expect 6%. I expect my advisor to beat market trends (based on my own research). Before my wife and I meet with our advisor, we look at how our portfolio has performed in the past year. For example, if we have investments in the energy or financial sectors, we try to compare them with other stocks or funds.

Tim Corcoran, 56, vice-president of a waste company, Toronto, Ont.

I expect a 3% to 5% return as a minimum, based on the industry average for my mix of investment products. My level of risk is somewhat low, [due to] my age. I want to hold on to my money. If I can earn 5% on it for the next 10 years, then I will be in better shape than if I try to risk more of it. I usually meet with my advisor in the fall to discuss the past year’s activity and review my expectations in terms of returns and the mix of investments we have.