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© Goodluz / 123RF

More than three-quarters of Canadians are using digital technology to do their banking, according to a survey by the Canadian Bankers Association (CBA).

The survey, “How Canadians Bank,” found that 76% of Canadians use digital channels for most of their transactions, up from 68% two years ago. Nearly nine in 10 Canadians (88%) used online banking in the past year, and 53% said online banking is the most common way they bank (mobile app-based banking was the second most common).

The survey found Canadians are generally pleased with banks’ adoption of technology, with 91% saying banking has become more convenient and 88% saying their bank has improved service through technology (a figure that increased to 98% for millennials).

Over the next five years, consumers said they expect to increase their use of tap-and-pay (45%), e-transfer (40%) and mobile banking (40%). As for mobile app use, 56% of Canadians used mobile banking in the past year, up from 44% in 2016 and 31% in 2014.

Despite the widespread adoption of technology, the survey found Canadians do still visit physical bank branches. More than two-thirds did their banking in person at least once in the past year (67%), but only 12% of customers said this was their most common form of banking.