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Veteran financial industry executive Joanne De Laurentiis is joining Toronto-based think-tank the C.D. Howe Institute as a senior fellow.

De Laurentiis headed up fund industry trade association the Investment Funds Institute of Canada (IFIC). She retired in 2016.

Prior to joining IFIC, she was CEO of Credit Union Central of Canada, Mondex Canada and Interac. She was also formerly vice president of public affairs for the Canadian Bankers Association (CBA), among other roles.

“Joanne’s extensive experience in financial markets, investments, payments and deposit-taking make her a respected voice on regulatory policy and the financial sector generally,” William Robson, president and CEO of C.D. Howe, said in a statement.

“Strong research, deep analysis and lively debate play a critical role in creating workable public policy and regulatory frameworks. The C.D. Howe Institute has long provided one of Canada’s most dynamic and effective forums where this takes place. It’s inspiring to be part of it,” De Laurentiis said.