Financial or investment time counting with hourglass or sandglass and stack of coins on wooden table with white background.
© Nuthawut Somsuk / 123RF Stock Photo

Toronto-based CI Investments is terminating selected fund classes for seven funds. 

The terminated fund units include class AT6 of both the CI American Equity Fund and Cambridge Canadian Growth Companies Fund, and series P of the following: the Sentry Canadian Fixed Income Private Pool; Sentry Global Tactical Fixed Income Private Pool; Sentry Canadian Bond Fund; Sentry Corporate Bond Fund; and Sentry Conservative Monthly Income Fund. 

Those units will be terminated on or about Nov. 20.

The firm said in a Wednesday press release that it can’t justify the continuation of the fund classes due to insufficient assets. 

Securityholders will be notified and may redeem or switch their holdings in these selected fund units prior to Nov. 20. CI will not charge any short-term trading fees, switch fees or redemption fees related to the terminated funds.