
The holiday season is a great time to thank your clients for their loyalty and business. Gifts are risky given compliance rules, and it’s hard to find something each client will like, anyway. But almost everyone loves getting mail. Here are tips for sending tasteful and memorable holiday cards.

Decide on a theme. I prefer messages of peace and gratitude. They reflect my values, match the sentiments of the season, and won’t be jarring to people with different backgrounds. Choose a theme that reflects your own tastes and personality, but be mindful of your audience. Don’t assume your clients celebrate the same way you do, or at all.

Quality matters. Choose cards that are professionally printed on heavy paper, perfectly folded and trimmed. Envelopes should match the cards. The best are lined with printed or foiled paper that complements the design. Avoid cards that are printed on thin stock or have an obvious flaw, such as bent corners.

Extra details such as foil or laser-cut paper can be gorgeous if done well. But whatever you do, don’t send cards with loose glitter. The stuff is insidious and will remain in clients’ carpets long after your note has been discarded — not the lasting impression you’re seeking.

Make it personal. Take the time to write a short message. Thank clients for their business, or congratulate them for their achievements this year. If they’ve experienced a personal loss or heartache this year, offer a message of solidarity. The important thing is that clients know you’ve taken time to think about them.

Follow up in January. The new year is a great time to catch up because clients will be less stressed out than in December. Coming down from holiday excess is also the perfect time to discuss finances for the coming year.