The generation that disrupts business by demanding customization and embracing the sharing economy is showing a more traditional side when it comes to home ownership.

That’s because a whopping 82% of Canadian millennials say they intend to buy a home in the next five years, reveals an HSBC study. Further, more than a third (34%) already own a home, despite stagnant wages and rising house prices.

Though having a first child might have pushed previous generations into home ownership, that might not be the case for millennials: 30% say they’re willing to delay parenthood so they can buy a home.

In fact, work may supersede parenthood as a reason to become a homeowner, because almost half of Canadian millennials work from home (48%), the study finds.

Homebuyer help

Regardless, millennials need help making their dreams of home ownership come true. More than two-thirds (70%) don’t have enough for a down payment. And 53% have only an approximate budget, while 27% have no budget. Further, many millennials who bought a home in the last two years overspent (42%).

Indeed, a recent poll found a mere 12% of Ontario millennials are confident about making mortgage decisions. For instance, 25% don’t know what closing costs are.

Buyers in real estate hot spots like Toronto and Vancouver might be particularly challenged. For example, new condos in the Greater Toronto Area are going for about half a million dollars, and new homes recently surpassed the $1-million mark for the first time.

Read: Average home price in GTA surpasses $1 million

But millennials are willing to budget, saying they are open to spending less on leisure (59%) and are also open to buying a smaller home (37%).

The banking industry is ready to help. For millennials taking advantage of the bank of Mom and Dad (37%) or pursuing home ownership with a roommate, it’s now possible to pool money for a family-and-friends mortgage, where up to four people can be placed on title.

Read: Meridian launches family and friends mortgage

Millennials and all prospective homebuyers can also get help from in a new step-by-step homebuying guide from the Canadian Mortgage and Housing Corporation.

About the study: The findings are based on a survey of homeowners and non-owners aged 18 or older from a nationally representative online sample of 9,000 people in eight countries (1,000 in Canada). The research was conducted by Kantar TNS in October and November 2016. Millennials are defined as those born between 1981 and 1998.

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