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© roystudio / 123RF Stock Photo

Canadian securities regulators are providing issuers with further filing relief amid the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic.

The members of the Canadian Securities Administrators (CSA) published a pair of orders on Wednesday that give issuers additional temporary relief from regulatory filing deadlines.

The CSA first issued filing relief on March 23.

Under the latest relief orders, investment funds get a 60-day extension for meeting certain filing, delivery and prospectus renewal requirements that fall between June 2 and September 30.

Other issuers will have a 45-day extension for filings due from June 2 to August 31.

Issuers can’t rely on the latest relief to further extend deadlines for filings that were already delayed under temporary relief provided by the CSA back in March.

However, the CSA said that its members will consider applications for a management cease trade order from non-investment fund issuers “that took advantage of the prior relief and are unable to comply with their filing or delivery obligations by their extended deadline, but anticipate being able to comply shortly thereafter.”