was at the fourth annual Digital Marketing for Financial Services conference, presented by Strategy Institute.

Read our live tweets here.

Here’s some of what you missed at the conference:

This is the 3rd event I’ve been to where attendees can get free LinkedIn photos. Good photos are key, so a useful trend ‪@DMFinancialTO

And we’re getting started! Joycelyn David, Western Union, will talk about growing followers and Dan Skeen, Sun Life, will share marketing tips.

Global companies have unique social marketing challenges, says David, since different rules and customer bases in each region ‪@DMFinancialTO

By leveraging social celebrity power (of both global and local personalities), Western Union has reached different followers @DMFinancialTO

Always find ways to test new approaches with unique audiences. Also, partner with charities since that shows values to customers ‪@DMFinancialTO

Never forget about regulators, says Skeen. Even if social media is commonplace, you can still make social media blunders ‪@DMFinancialTO

If teaching staff how to use social media, offer quick lists of practical dos & don’ts along with heavier compliance materials ‪@DMFinancialTO

Social media starts as a marketing tool, but becomes a customer tool people depend on, says David ‪@DMFinancialTO

When developing social media rules, all staffers have to be on the same page. Can’t have one expert since all people have to be experts ‪@DMFinancialTO

Q: Can you re-use already approved social content to fit new situations? Yes, but still need to run the communication by legal @DMFinancialTO

Next up is panel on how to use social media to meet business objectives. Includes social expert, advisor & compliance rep ‪@DMFinancialTO

When asking clients for referrals, get 2 names, says advisor. If using LinkedIn, can see many more potential prospects & learn a bit about them.

Fastest growing cohort on social media is those aged 45 to 55. Many want to connect with an advisor online and get to know them ‪@DMFinancialTO

Advisor says he arranges a phone call after connecting online. He’ll also send an introduction letter and information to prospects ‪@DMFinancialTO

Advisor also adds people he meets online to his newsletter list, so they can start hearing from him regularly ‪@DMFinancialTO

When having a dynamic convo with follower, you don’t always have to run comments by compliance first. But legal needs to be alerted of convo.

As privacy and compliance rules evolve, all execs (legal, marketing, head office, advisors) need to stay educated & communicate ‪@DMFinancialTO

If you have limited budget/time for social media, focus most on LinkedIn. Twitter’s good for listening & Facebook is riskiest ‪@DMFinancialTO

Also read:

Most advisors aren’t keeping up with tech

Make sure you stand out online

Know LinkedIn’s surprising rules

How to network better