portrait of two businessmen in warehouse
© Cathy Yeulet / 123RF Stock Photo

A newly formed expert panel is promising to help corporations address social issues — and decide when and how to join social justice movements.

The Canadian Centre for the Purpose of the Corporation (CCPC), an initiative launched by Toronto-based Navigator Ltd, a high-stakes strategy and communications firm, is a 12-person panel that aims to assist Canadian companies strengthen “the scope of their purpose and the contributions they make more broadly to society,” according to a release.

“Expectations for all organizations — including businesses — are evolving and increasing,” said Brian Gallant, CCPC CEO and the former premier of New Brunswick, in a statement. “A business must now look beyond profits and shareholder value and seek to contribute positively to all stakeholders.”

Awareness of social justice issues has seemingly been at an all-time high in recent months, particularly with regard to the Black Lives Matter movement.

CEOs across Canada are now promising to appoint more Black people to corporate boards and executive teams through the BlackNorth Initiative’s CEO Pledge.

Further, the Black Opportunity Fund aims to deliver stable, long-term capital to Black-owned businesses and organizations throughout the country.

Businesses, Gallant said, are now expected to “have a positive impact on the communities in which they operate, the environment, and society as a whole. This expectation includes speaking out and taking concrete action to advance important societal issues.”

In addition to advising Canadian businesses and organizations, the CCPC will publish opinion and analysis pieces. The CCPC plans to release a “landmark proprietary research study” in September.