The OSC has published an Annual Summary Report, which sets out expectations for firms and individuals directly regulated by the OSC.

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OSC Staff Notice 33-745 – 2014 OSC Annual Summary Report for Dealers, Advisers and Investment Fund Managers, prepared by the Compliance and Registrant Regulation Branch (CRR), is designed to enhance the understanding by firms and individuals of their obligations under Ontario securities law.

The report summarizes new and proposed rules, OSC initiatives impacting registrants and highlights key findings from compliance reviews of registrants and guidance to address and prevent any deficiencies raised in the reviews.

“This report is a key part of our ongoing outreach to Ontario registrants,” said Debra Foubert, director of CRR at the OSC. “We strongly encourage registrants to read and use this report as a self-assessment tool to strengthen their compliance with Ontario securities law.”

In addition to highlighting the results from the compliance reviews conducted by CRR, the Report also highlights efforts relating to key policy initiatives.

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