Canadian workers are doing little to contribute to our flailing economy—so says a Global Workforce Study recently released by Towers Watson, which finds the majority (67%) are frustrated after working harder for less for almost a decade.

While investors are busy questioning the economic recovery and our ability to close Canada’s productivity gap, the study says employees across the country are starved for incentives, resources and support, and positive work enviroments.

“When workers aren’t engaged…companies are more vulnerable to lower productivity and higher inefficiency,” says France Dufresne, leader of Towers Watson’s talent and rewards practice in Montreal.

She adds, “Without more attention to the fundamentals—which includes on-the-job support for employees and efforts to deepen their attachment to the organization—employers will have a harder time generating growth and returns.”

The survey suggests it may be time to check in with your staff. Gauge how they’re holding up and ensure they feel secure. Doing so can potentially lead to higher productivity, allowing you to boost your bottom line and meet your business goals more easily.

Read: Measure your business progress

And in turn, your staff will work harder for their clients; making sure they get all the help needed to meet the goals and targets of their portfolios.

Read: HR 101: Money doesn’t always equal happiness, for tips on how to keep your staff happy and productive.