In 2009, we asked advisors to share their funniest tales in hopes of bringing some levity to the dark days of the financial crisis.

We’re bringing them back on Fridays so you’ll get a few laughs going into the weekend. Here’s our next installment.

Suits you fine

A compliance officer once confessed to me that when he was a newbie at a large brokerage house in the States he spent his first week thinking all the talk about suitability had something to do with his poor dress sense.

Goal post

A Toronto-based advisor was having a conversation with a client who was is in his late ’90s and asked some questions about his short-and long-term goals.

The client gaped: “Long-term goals? Long term for me could be next month.”

Typographical errors?

An advisor in Alberta had a client who insisted she didn’t want mutual funds and asked that her money be placed in RSVPs. When questioned, she insisted she knew what she was talking about and was only interested in RSVPs.

Apparently she spent a lot of time on the party circuit.

The same advisor had a client who claimed to be very interested in diversification.

When the client showed him the portfolio that would be transferred over, the advisor knew he meant it.

And how. The client had $34,000 invested in 28 different bank mutual funds.

“Hey, maybe he said de-worsification and I just misunderstood him,” the advisor quipped. Despite the odds, the advisor insists he managed to keep a straight face during both encounters.

Got a story to share? Email us.

Read previous weeks’ Friday Funnies