In 2009, we asked advisors to share their funniest tales in hopes of bringing some levity to the dark days of the financial crisis.

We’re bringing them back on Fridays so you’ll get a few laughs going into the weekend. Here’s our next installment.

Net nuts

Increased use of the Internet by information-hungry clients has led to some off-the-wall questions.

A Montreal advisor says a client recently asked him, “Because interest rates are low, is it a bad time to do tax planning?” He’s been scratching his head on that one for a week.

Earlier this year, another client, confused by an article that mentioned the RRSP deadline, called up and insisted his account be opened right away.

His logic? “It’s January 15 and RRSPs are almost all sold out!”

Um, yeah.

Gut purchase

Years ago, an advisor was working with a couple on the purchase of a retirement annuity.

He presented them with a listing of comparative rates and the husband was about to select the top company when his wife remarked that her uncle had been injured on the job site when that company’s head office was being built. Based on that, she felt the company was too dangerous to put their retirement savings into.

The husband, being wise, promptly agreed, gave the advisor a wink and selected the second-ranked company.

The couple continues to enjoy payments from the safer company to this day.

Got a story to share? Email us.

Read previous weeks’ Friday Funnies