Twitter is smaller than online giants Google and Facebook, but the little social media engine expects to generate at least US$1-billion in sales in 2014, reports Financial Post.

It says EMarketer researchers predict Twitter advertising sales—which account for almost all its revenue—will rise to US$540-million in 2014, up from US$139.5-million last year.

Read: Engage clients with Twitter

But, regardless of the platform’s success, Apple is rumoured to have no further interest in investing after talks last year.

While the New York Times said the company was recently looking at deepening its links with Twitter to combat common rivals, inside sources have confirmed no agreement was reached, says Bloomberg reporters.

A Forbes reporter says the deal fell through because Apple doesn’t need to invest in the burgeoning network; “if they can’t something perfectly, they don’t do it. The majority of Apple’s revenue comes from the iPhone, and buying a social media network isn’t going to help sell more iPhones.”

He adds, “If Google had bought Twitter, Apple would have had to consider changing their mindset.” Google is a big competitors for both parties, having ended a partnership with Twitter last year and directly competing with Apple on the product market.

Last month, however, Apple did reach an agreement with Facebook to wrap the social leader into the iPhone and Ipad’s main software; the tech company has no problem integrating media into its offerings. In fact, CEO Tim Cook said remaining social, connected and competitive is crucial, at the D: All Things Digital conference in May.

Read: Market your practice like Apple

After Facebook’s failed IPO, Apple’s endorsement provides a much-needed boost. Though the launch date of the iOS 6 system is unknown, it will run on iPhones, iPads and iPod Touches, and will provide users with a better Facebook experience.

It will offer better integration with the social site by allowing people to enter their password once, and then post from a variety of apps. Using Apple’s software, users will also be able to update their statuses by talking to their phones, as well as like movies and apps in Apple’s iTunes store, said Apple executive Scott Forstall at the company’s annual developers’ conference.

Additionally, events and birthdays in the social site’s calendar will appear on your phone’s calendar.

Read: Social media full of potential clients

In other news, Apple is facing off with Samsung in court today over its claim the competing company’s phones and tablets are illegal knockoffs of the iPad and iPhone.

Apple files its lawsuit last year and is demanding 2.5 billion in damages.

Samsung, on the other hand, argues Apple is doing the stealing, and says some of the technology at issue—such as the rounded rectangular designs of smartphones and tablets—has been industry standards for years.

U.S. District Judge Lucy Koh in San Jose ordered Samsung to pull its Galaxy 10.1 from the U.S. market last month, pending the outcome of the trial. She barred Apple attorneys from telling jurors about the ban.

“That’s a pretty strong statement from the judge and shows you what she thinks about some of Apple’s claims,” says Brian Love, a Santa Clara University law professor and patent expert. He says 10 jurors will decide the case.