One-in-five Canadians now manage their investments the same way they make purchases: they go online.

In fact, 41% research investment options online and 22% manage their investments online, finds a TD Direct Investing poll. Also, 13% invest online more than they did five years ago.

Read: Canadians seek online tools and calculators: IEF

“Self-directed investing is a great way to plan and manage your retirement nest-egg, and it’s never too early to start planning for your golden years,” says Rowena Chan, vice president, TD Direct Investing.

The poll also found the greatest benefits of going online are: saving time (82%), and having access to lots of information (55%).

Read: Canadians with financial plan less stressed

“There are many benefits to managing your own investments, including the ability to view and make changes to your portfolio where and when it’s convenient for you,” says Chan.

Here are some articles to help clients, regardless of whether they’re going online or not.

Read: Investment strategies for age and stage

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