The FPSC is calling for nominations for two recognition programs.

These are the Donald J. Johnston Award and Fellow of FPSC distinction.

The Donald J. Johnston Award was established in 2006. It highlights individuals’ lifetime achievements, along with their abilities to advance CFP certification. Past recipients include Alastair Rickard, Jim Rogers, Patricia Lovett-Reid, Michael E. Lem and Randy Reynolds.

The Fellow of FPSC distinction is in its third year and formally recognizes those who have helped Canadians improve their lives through financial planning. Nominees must fulfill at least two out of three criteria: they must advance FPSC’s vision and mission through volunteering; advance CFP professional standards; and embody CFP professional standards.

Nominations for both awards will be accepted until April 17, 2013. Read more on the nomination criteria and guidelines for both programs.

The results will be revealed at FPSC’s Celebration of the Profession reception during Financial Planning Week.


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