Most millennials aren’t thinking about paying off their mortgages — usually because they don’t have them — which makes Aba Atlas remarkable.

A video by Atlas, a 23-year-old private in the Canadian military, hit 1.8 million views on YouTube on Monday, May 6. He filmed the clip at his local bank and his living room. It shows him handing his mother a cheque that pays off her mortgage completely.

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Atlas says he wanted to compensate his mother for the sacrifices she’d made for him.

Even more impressive, he was able to relieve her financial burden on a $30,000 salary. While serving in the military, he lived rent free with low food costs. But he also forewent many luxuries to come up with the funds needed for this gift in just two years.

Read: Help young clients buy homes

“You just make sacrifices here and there, find out what’s important and just make the choice,” he says.

Atlas may be out of the ordinary, but it’s important your young clients know what is possible if they step up to this level of motivation.

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