The vast majority of parents (90%) know fostering financial literacy is crucial when raising children, says GoBankingRates.

And the best way to teach is by example. So, the outlet has named seven high-profile dads who exemplify financial responsibility and smarts in honour of Father’s Day this Sunday.

“Celebrity dads aren’t often associated with frugality, but there are some out there who choose to make saving a lifestyle, no matter how much they earn,” says Stacey Bumpus, expert contributor.

The list of famous fathers includes:

Dave Grohl

He may have partied it up with two popular rock bands—Nirvana and Foo Fighters—but Grohl doesn’t support excessive spending.

“You can’t take your lifestyle for granted,” said Grohl in a 2003 interview with USA Weekend. “I’ve got tons of money, but…I don’t even have a high school diploma to fall back on, so I’m going to be really careful with what I’ve got.”

Warren Buffett

In March 2013, Buffett was named the fourth-richest person in the world by Forbes Magazine.

But he’s still modest. It turns out Buffett still lives in the same five-bedroom home he purchased in the 1950s.

Find out who the other 5 fathers are here, and for thrifty gift ideas, click here.

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