The Ontario Securities Commission (OSC) seeks members for its small and medium enterprises (SMEs) committee. Interested parties should submit their application, indicating their relevant experience, by June 30, 2017.

Committee members discuss the development, implementation and communication of policies and practices to address issues affecting SMEs.

Read: Small business accounts for 42% of new jobs

Incoming committee members will be asked to provide input on regulatory approaches to capital raising in the exempt market, including the development of the OSC’s enhanced compliance program and the impact of new prospectus exemptions on SMEs.

The committee meets about four times a year, with members serving a one-year term. The committee consists of 10 to 15 members with a variety of perspectives. Members are selected for their knowledge and experience related to the particular challenges facing SMEs in the regulatory context. The committee is chaired by Jo-Anne Matear, manager, corporate finance branch, at the OSC.

Applications and questions may be submitted to Matear at

Also read:

OSC offering series of webinars for SMEs

OSC calls for MSAC applications