Federal Minister of Finance Jim Flaherty has confirmed that he will table the federal budget on March 22, but he warns it won’t contain any radical spending plans.

“As we transition to the next phase of Canada’s Economic Action Plan, measures in this budget will focus on the Harper Government’s key priority of the economy,” said Minister Flaherty. “We will continue to encourage growth and carefully manage government spending in order to balance the budget in the medium term.”

Flaherty went on to say that all economic output and jobs lost during the recession have been recovered, and that the country is back into expansion.

“With a recovery now taking hold across the country, the next phase of the Economic Action Plan will focus on strengthening the economy and creating good jobs for Canadians,” he said.

Advisor.ca’s newsroom staff will be staying late on budget night to provide you with in-depth coverage and analysis on how this budget affects your clients and your business.