If emerging markets seem to dominate mainstream investing discourse, rest assured, the same is true of the alternative investment space. Among hedge fund managers, global macro strategies are expected to deliver the best returns in 2012.

According to a survey of hedge fund managers by GAIM, 22% of managers see global macro coming out on top, while 11% expect event driven strategies will offer the best returns. Nine percent picked commodities-based strategies and U.S. long/short equity mandates.

Brazil, China and India are viewed most optimistically. That’s hardly surprising, considering the threats to global growth identified in the same survey: the Eurozone crisis, global monetary policy uncertainty and the U.S. deficit.

The hedge fund managers in the GAIM survey currently manage assets ranging between less than $100 million to more than $5 billion. GAIM conducted the survey in mid-August as financial markets fluctuated in response to growing investor fears of a second recession and mounting economic woes in Europe.

The survey was conducted in advance of the 2nd Annual GAIM GMA (Geopolitical Risk, Macro Economic Insight and Alternative Investment) Event, being held October 11 and 12 at the Sentry Towers in New York City.