The Global Alliance for Banking on Values (GABV), an independent network of 14 of the world’s leading sustainable banks, has pledged to impact the lives of one billion people by 2020.

It will do so by offering a credible alternative to the current financial system and dominant banking model that have alienated so many during the financial crisis.

Although each GABV bank is unique, they share a commitment to using money to benefit people and the environment. The business decisions are made by determining how to fulfill clients’ needs on a financially sustainable basis.

“There is an urgent need for banks that finance entrepreneurs working in the real economy who create lasting solutions for people and the environment,” said Peter Blom, GABV chair and CEO of European sustainable bank, Triodos. “Values-based banks offer a credible, positive alternative to mainstream banking, and we’re delighted to bring some of the world’s most groundbreaking banks to Vancouver to build on this worldwide movement.”

The international conference will be hosted by Vancouver-based Vancity, Canada’s largest community credit union, which has a 65-year history of focusing on community needs. Vancity was the first Canadian banking institution invited last year to join the GABV, which has members from Europe, Asia, and South and North America.

The conference will include two public events on March 8. For details and registration, visit