Every week, we collect thought-provoking articles from around the web pertinent to women advisors.

Women, money and sports

Ask people what women don’t understand and they’ll tell you either money or sports. Or both.

The CBC recently launched an alternative audio feed for its hockey games called While the Men Watch, which touts the fact that it’s for women.

As sportswriter Ellen Etchingham says, the two hosts describe the show as “breaking new ground” and “helping push women forward” — as though we had recently discovered hockey exists.

The commentary includes discussions of which players are “hot” and which ones have a good off-ice fashion sense.

When one co-host, Lena Sutherland, was interviewed about the show, she spoke candidly about the fact that she doesn’t really watch hockey.

The same stigmas show up with women and money. As one glorified self-help leaflet indelicately puts it, A Man is Not a Financial Plan.

Thanks, Sherlock.

Someone has a screw loose if CBC is throwing money at a program that’s supposed to provide hockey commentary for women that has nothing to do with hockey.

But I’m just a woman. So I should probably eat some yogurt, and watch the hosts talk about furniture while the game plays behind them.

And maybe I’ll crack open Shoo, Jimmy Choo! The Modern Girl’s Guide to Spending Less and Saving More.

4 reasons why women shouldn’t run daily finances (and should invest instead)

The U.S. National Marriage Project report The State of Our Unions suggests the normal division of fiscal responsibility between the husband and wife is backwards.

Forbes reports researchers have found women would be more effective as the investors with men managing day-to-day spending.

Why? Men and women generate similar returns before fees, but men tend to be overconfident in predicting market fluctuations, and thus trade more actively. That means they incur more fees.

Second, women are less likely to pay fees upfront for an investment, whereas men will often assume that buying the hot stock of the moment will pay off, regardless of how expensive it was in the first place.

Third, women tend to want expert opinions from advisors, while men tend not to. The researchers also say women are much more likely to take and use investing advice.

What is the real wage gap?

Everyone was disappointed on Wednesday when we heard the senate Republicans voted down the improvements to the Equal Pay Act.

But what do the numbers really mean?

A woman making 77 cents for every dollar a man does is quite the disparity. It’s based on a Census Bureau report based on annual wages. But another figure, 81 cents per dollar shows up in the BLS Numbers survey based on weekly wages.

The second figure could be more accurate because annual income can include investment income, bonuses and pensions while not accounting for cases such as teachers who do not work during the summer.

On an hourly wage basis, points out The Washington Post, women earn 86 cents for every dollar a man makes, which doesn’t include salaried workers.

Obama’s statement on the Paycheck Fairness Act highlights “an even greater disadvantage with 64 cents on the dollar for African American women and 56 cents for Hispanic women.”

But this higher wage gap only exists for African-American and Hispanic women when compared with the pay of white men. When compared with women of their own races, the gap is 94 cents and 91 cents respectively.

The White House made no statement on the effects discrimination could be having on the wage gap.