Many Canadians expect to retire at a different time than their significant others. But only 28% have discussed how it would affect their plans, and 22% have not discussed it at all, finds a BMO survey.

“While discussing your retirement plans may not be the most romantic topic, it is essential that you and your partner are on the same page regarding personal and household finances should one person retire before the other,” says Chris Buttigieg, senior manager, Wealth Planning Strategy, BMO Financial Group.

Read: Couples’ retirement planning: Who’s the boss?

For those couples who plan to retire together, the main reasons for doing so is so they can enjoy quality time (47%) and travel together (34%).

The study also examines what couples would do with their income if they did not need to save for retirement. These include:

  • travel (44%);
  • pay down debt (27%); or
  • save for other key life events (26%) or a rainy day (22%).

Here are some articles to help couples with their plans.

Single or married? Why you can’t hide from CRA

Advising clients with short careers

Help LGBTQ couples overcome financial hurdles