Business owners across the country are worried they won’t be able to adequately manage their cash flows and acquire new customers going forward, says a new poll by Lendified.

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In fact, seven out of 10 businesses polled say their growth is stagnant or in decline. And, 48% are relaying on personal lines of credit to help manage cash flow—many small business owners use lines of credit because it can take up to eight weeks to qualify for bank loans, says Lendified CEO Troy Wright.

“The Lendified Index measures [also] the likelihood of small businesses to hire more staff in the next year,” he adds. “Only 17% of small businesses intend to hire over that period,” compared to 81% that will maintain current staff levels and 3% that will lay people off.

Read: What election promises mean for biz owners

Additional poll highlights

  • Aside from worrying about cash flow and customers, business owners are struggling with paying taxes. Companies with less than $50,000 in annual revenue, as well as those who net more than $500,000 are most vulnerable.

Read: Small business owners prefer accountants over advisors

  • Yet, newer startups seem to be outpacing their peers in terms of growth.
  • The order of preference for business owners’ sources or credit are: personal credit cards (48%); business credit cards (32%); personal lines of credit (23%); business lines of credit (21%); and creditors other than banks (4%).