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A banned 73-year-old securities investor who bilked his clients of $2 million has been sentenced to two years in prison. Calgary businessman Robert John Sellars has pleaded guilty to seven violations of the Alberta Securities Act, including making misleading or untrue statements to investors and trading in securities without being registered and without a prospectus. […]

  • October 19, 2010 June 16, 2018
  • 13:29

TD Canada Trust is reaching out to Gen Y, Launching www.tdgetsaving.com, the bank is hoping to assist those in their twenties reach their short and long-term savings goals. The new site offers video tutorials, savings calculators, as well as TFSA and RRSP calculators. “Saving money is not only about cutting back – it’s about making […]

  • October 6, 2010 August 21, 2018
  • 14:20

Canadians are starting to get worried. The results of RBC’s Canadian Consumer Outlook Index for September indicate that on the whole, the faith Canadians have in the economy is slipping. 60% believe the overall outlook is good. That is down seven points from last quarter. Job anxiety has climbed two points to 22% and fewer […]

  • October 1, 2010 August 21, 2018
  • 14:33

Canada’s millionaires don’t have much faith in the future. According to a new study conducted by RBC Wealth Management, 58% of millionaires think their children are facing an uphill battle when it comes to managing their finances and 49% don’t have confidence in their children’s abilities to manage the inheritance. They are living for today […]

  • September 30, 2010 August 21, 2018
  • 15:39

The Investment Industry Regulatory Organization of Canada (IIROC) is bolstering its market monitoring capability by introducing a single-window surveillance system for all equity markets in Canada. The Surveillance Technology Enhancement Platform (STEP) gives IIROC the ability to conduct cross-market surveillance and can currently process up to 400 million trades, orders, quotes and cancellation messages per […]

  • September 29, 2010 August 21, 2018
  • 14:21

Recent immigrants to Canada are having a difficult time managing their finances, according to a poll conducted by RBC. Forty percent of respondents are struggling to make sense of their finances and 47% don’t believe they will have enough money make ends meet. It seems newcomers underestimated the cost of living in Canada (41%) and […]

  • September 27, 2010 June 16, 2018
  • 13:08

American journalist and author Sydney J. Harris said it best. “The two words ‘information’ and ‘communication’ are often used interchangeably, but they signify quite different things. Information is giving out; communication is getting through.” To connect with any client you must understand them as people and pinpoint what’s important to them. Although much time and […]

  • September 24, 2010 June 16, 2018
  • 16:10

Although things are looking quite rosy, the road to a full economic recovery will not be without its thorns, states a CIBC World Markets Inc. report. In the economic report, CIBC sees Canada’s economy facing muted growth prospects through 2011 a recessionary hangover continues abroad and headwinds emerge at home. “The Great Recession that shattered […]

  • September 22, 2010 June 16, 2018
  • 12:22

The cities of Toronto and Hamilton are booming. According to the Conference Board of Canada’s ‘Metropolitan Outlook – Autumn 2010’, Toronto and Hamilton have the fastest growing economies this year. Despite a 2.3% decline in GDP last year, Toronto’s economy will bounce back with growth of 4.7% in 2010. Manufacturing output is expected to post […]

  • September 22, 2010 June 16, 2018
  • 11:10

Canada’s economic recovery is weak, fragile and wrought with a fairly high risk of a relapse into recession, reports the Desjardins Group Economic Studies team. The economists point to a cooling housing market and the winding down of government stimulus programs as indicators of slow to moderate growth in the future. “Interest rates will stay […]

  • September 20, 2010 August 21, 2018
  • 00:00