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The new tolerance for high oil prices has stabilized around $70 a barrel. That’s the average price money managers say oil would need to reach in 2006 before its effects would start showing up in the global economy. The Merrill Lynch Survey of Fund Managers for December also found that institutional investors are confident that […]

  • December 13, 2005 June 16, 2018
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Those with one eye trained on short term performance numbers might wonder about the rhyme and reason of the selection process behind the Morningstar Fund Manager of the Year awards, but those savvy enough to recognize quality applaud the analyst’s decisions. The task of selecting one person to become Fund Manager of the Year from […]

  • December 9, 2005 June 16, 2018
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Plans for an alternative to the TSX for trading Canadian securities moved one step closer to reality today after the Canadian Trading and Quotation System (CNQ) announced it closed an equity financing deal worth more than $10 million. The financing will be used to complete the development of CNQ’s plans to launch an alternative market […]

  • December 8, 2005 June 16, 2018
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The Crawford panel released its long awaited discussion paper this morning, proposing a new model for a single Canadian securities regulator. The vision of a common securities regulator for Canada has been variously blocked, stalled and clouded by stakeholders at the country’s 13 existing regulators who are concerned that a central regulator would undermine their […]

  • December 7, 2005 August 30, 2018
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Industry trade associations of all stripes have similar needs at their core — strong, organized management with lobbying and relationship building skills, an awareness of legal and regulatory issues, as well as the diplomacy to find common interests and issues among members. In a changing of the guard at IFIC next month, incoming president and […]

  • December 6, 2005 June 16, 2018
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Energy experts are painting a grim picture about the state of oil reserves in the world and the implications go well beyond how much your clients are paying at the pumps. Unless portfolio holdings don’t need to last more than another seven or eight years, institutional money managers are starting to sound the alarm, saying […]

  • December 1, 2005 August 30, 2018
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(October 2005) The difference between an average performer and a high performer in the financial services industry is dramatic. A review of how top advisors spend their time, and the amount of revenue they generate in turn, leads to a very solid conclusion: If you want to outperform, you need to get out of administration, […]

  • November 14, 2005 July 10, 2018
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The cat’s out of the bag, the judges have made their decisions and it’s time to officially announce the winners of the 2005 Advisor of the Year awards. The winners of our seventh annual competition are Carmela Harnum of Dundee Wealth Management in Toronto, JoAnne Anderson and Stephen Koury of MoneyPOWER and Inter-Equity Asset Management […]

  • November 9, 2005 June 16, 2018
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Advisors who aren’t getting involved in planned charitable giving strategies with their clients are missing out on potential opportunities and ways to strengthen the advisor-client relationship, experts say. Many advisors give back to the community in the way of volunteer time and their own personal contributions, but a huge opportunity exists to suggest charitable giving […]

  • November 8, 2005 June 16, 2018
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The insurance industry is at a “critical juncture” when it comes to regulation, experts say. Regulators are keenly interested in efforts aimed at greater disclosure and transparency, so much so that they have issued consultation papers suggesting such principles be written into law. The industry on the other hand has come back saying such changes […]

  • November 3, 2005 June 16, 2018
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