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(October 3, 2005) It’s no secret that banks are emerging as a real competitive force in the arena of investment fund sales. But it’s not necessarily advisors working in the bank channel who are driving that growth. The latest study from Credo Consulting, entitled Winning in the Advisor Ranks — Balancing the Art & Science […]

  • October 3, 2005 June 16, 2018
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(September 30, 2005) The Ontario Securities Act is being amended and compliance teams will likely need to make adjustments going forward in order to accommodate the rules under Ontario’s new civil liability regime, compliance experts say. Bill 149 comes into effect on December 31, 2005. The new legislation, proclaimed in August, gives stock market or […]

  • September 30, 2005 June 16, 2018
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(September 28, 2005) It’s been a banner year for identity thieves. High profile security breaches in the past have highlighted the growing problems associated with collecting massive amounts of personal information and compliance departments, hopefully, are well aware of privacy legislation, but poor information management practices on the part of organizations is still the single […]

  • September 28, 2005 July 10, 2018
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(September 23, 2005) Settlement cheques began arriving this week to compensate mutual fund unitholders who were adversely affected by market timing. Although it’s early, some advisors are already beginning to get phone calls from their clients, inquiring about this “found money”, where it came from, and how it might be taxed. In June, the Ontario […]

  • September 23, 2005 July 10, 2018
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(September 19, 2005) Canadian consumers trust you with their personal information, but tread lightly. Clients are increasingly savvy about risks associated with online banking and financial institution transactions, but a new survey suggests they would take drastic action, including closing their accounts, if their financial institution suffered a security breach compromising their personal information. The […]

  • September 19, 2005 June 16, 2018
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(September 16, 2005) It’s no wonder the mutual funds offered by banks are attractive to clients — the banks and a select few mutual fund companies are the only entities trying to reach consumers directly these days. Recent announcements from Fidelity and Dynamic Mutual Funds, however, could signal the beginning of a new cycle that […]

  • September 16, 2005 June 16, 2018
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(September 2005) Technology risks are showing up more frequently and moving more quickly than ever before. Advisors working in large corporations tend to have the benefit of a qualified IT department at their disposal to work on these things, but independent advisors or anyone responsible for their own technology have a whole host of considerations […]

  • September 15, 2005 July 10, 2018
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(September 13, 2005) The Canadian personal savings rate is often dismissed as being an incomplete and inaccurate picture of household saving. The number tends to overstate consumption and understate savings. As a consequence, not many experts are raising red flags over the fact that the rate of savings in Canada is at its lowest level […]

  • September 13, 2005 June 16, 2018
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(September 8, 2005) CI Financial is revisiting plans to convert the fund company to an income trust. To kick off this latest attempt, the company announced today that it plans to request an advance tax ruling from the Canada Revenue Agency later this week. With the tax ruling in hand, the company will put the […]

  • September 8, 2005 June 16, 2018
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(September 7, 2005) Manulife Financial’s defined contribution (DC) pension plan statements have come out on top in a recent review conducted by Dalbar Canada. Manulife ranked first, with a score of 88.94 in Dalbar’s first ever review of DC pension statements in Canada. Overall, Dalbar says companies are cognizant of not “talking above” their clients, […]

  • September 7, 2005 June 16, 2018
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