Home Kate McCaffery

(February 23, 2005) The new budget is hardly a non-event this time since it presents advisors with a host of new client discussion opportunities. According to advisors contacted by Advisor.ca, the removal of foreign content limits will likely reduce transaction costs, and the increased RRSP contribution limit means small business clients will be able to […]

  • February 23, 2005 June 16, 2018
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(February 11, 2005) In his first conference call as president of the CPP Investment Board (CPPIB), former Fidelity front man, David Denison, discussed the reserve fund’s third-quarter results, the board’s plans for the future and he also restated the CPP’s message of stability. After making benefit payments of $1.9 billion, in the third-quarter ending December […]

  • February 11, 2005 June 16, 2018
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(February 10, 2005) Women are usually the primary caregivers and decision makers in the family unit when it comes to spending and investment decisions. Despite this, federal fiscal policies have done little to improve most women’s economic security in the last 10 years. A new report, Canada’s Commitment to Equality: A Gender Analysis of the […]

  • February 10, 2005 September 6, 2018
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(February 8, 2005) Debate has raged over rights and discrimination ever since former prime minister Jean Chrétien unveiled draft legislation addressing the definition of marriage back in July 2003. The question of constitutional rights aside, same-sex marriage may actually simplify estate-planning laws across Canada, says Winnipeg estate-planning lawyer John Poyser. Unless they are personally affected, […]

  • February 8, 2005 June 16, 2018
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(February 3, 2005) The Ontario Securities Commission has ordered hedge fund manager Portus Alternative Asset Management to stop opening new accounts and to stop accepting new assets under a temporary order issued late Wednesday. That order could be extended at a hearing scheduled for Thursday, February 17. The OSC issued the order “in the public […]

  • February 3, 2005 June 16, 2018
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(January 27, 2005) Now is probably not a good time to be in bonds. While economists may disagree on the direction of Canada’s monetary policy, either way, the prognosis is dim for fixed-income investors getting into the market today. Marc Levesque, chief strategist at TD Securities, was the more upbeat presenter at a lunch meeting […]

  • January 27, 2005 June 16, 2018
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(January 20, 2005) With so many mutual funds built and sold on the premise that knowing how the underlying companies are run is key, it’s interesting to meet an investment manager who doesn’t interview company executives at all. If past performance is any indication, the computer-driven, numbers-only approach works. Jim O’Shaughnessy has been playing with […]

  • January 20, 2005 June 16, 2018
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(January 18, 2005) Managers, strategists and economists participating in the Watson Wyatt 26th Annual Survey of Economic Expectations are less confident in their predictions for the year to come, but overall say the outlook is stable for various indicators affecting Canadian investors. The survey of 43 economists and market forecasters weighed in on Canadian and […]

  • January 18, 2005 June 16, 2018
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(January 14, 2005) Some advisors are dropping their costly mutual fund licenses in favour of selling more complicated but less compliance crazy segregated funds. In doing that though, it helps to have good research to identify the best products available for different clients and what the different companies offer when it comes to things like […]

  • January 14, 2005 June 16, 2018
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(January 13, 2005) Canadian investors aren’t big on making use of their foreign content allowances. In fact, only 5% of RRSP holders have reached their 30% foreign content limits, and more than one-third have no registered foreign holdings at all. These findings come from the most recent RBC Financial Group and Ipsos-Reid Marketing Research telephone […]

  • January 13, 2005 June 16, 2018
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