Home Lisa Mascaro

The standoff could wreak havoc with the U.S. economy

  • September 22, 2023 September 22, 2023
  • 14:17

The plan involves raising taxes on corporations and the wealthy, using the funds to expand government programs

  • September 30, 2021 September 30, 2021
  • 13:41

The next step is narrowing the menu of tax possibilities, focusing on measures likely to pass

  • September 24, 2021 September 24, 2021
  • 10:55

The proposed top tax rate would revert to 39.6% on couples earning more than $450,000

  • September 13, 2021 September 22, 2023
  • 13:33

Most Republican senators oppose increased spending

  • December 29, 2020 December 29, 2020
  • 16:00

The Senate is likely to pass the $2 billion measure Wednesday afternoon

  • March 25, 2020 March 25, 2020
  • 11:00