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Economic performance may outpace market returns in the coming months, according to a 2010 forecast by Scotiabank. Like many other forecasters, Scotiabank is predicting a return to muted but stable returns for Canadian investors, with the prospect of rising inflation towards the end of next year. Scotiabank chief economist Warren Jestin says the world is […]

  • December 1, 2009 June 16, 2018
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Have your clients been calling about Dubai World, asking whether everything’s going to come crashing down again? Observers say it’s nothing to fret over, as Dubai’s problems are just part of the long unwinding of the global credit crisis. Stock markets were hammered yesterday by news that Dubai World, a government sponsored investment fund, was […]

  • November 27, 2009 June 16, 2018
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There really is such a thing as talent and expertise in stock selection, and the two principal partners of Black Creek Investment Management are out to prove it. When star fund manager, Bill Kanko left Trimark back in 2004, he could have gone anywhere. He was and remains one of the industry’s best-known stock pickers, […]

  • November 25, 2009 June 16, 2018
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Tax-loss selling in 2008 was the arguably the single most powerful tool during a period where clients generally felt powerless. It’s that time again to determine if you can add value by doing some competent year-end selling or buying to save clients significant money on their taxes. Tax-loss selling is when an investor sells a […]

  • November 24, 2009 June 16, 2018
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Interest rates are not going to rise any time soon, says a leading housing market expert, but it’s incumbent upon homebuyers to ensure they can carry their mortgage even if rates rise 200 basis points. Speaking before the Canadian Mortgage Conference and Expo in Toronto, hosted by The Canadian Association of Accredited Mortgage Professionals (CAAMP), […]

  • November 23, 2009 June 16, 2018
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Bond fund investing is huge right now. Flows from cash and money market funds into investment grade bond funds are particularly strong. With higher rates on the horizon next year, investors have to decide if they want yield or gains. Patricia Croft, the chief economist at RBC Global Asset Management raised this point in an […]

  • November 20, 2009 June 16, 2018
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The big investment question for 2010 is to what extent can businesses start to generate earnings, apart from the massive amount of stimulus that has been pumped into the economy. According to two seasoned forecasters, the outlook is good. It’s highly unlikely clients are going to see a run-up in stock prices like that seen […]

  • November 19, 2009 June 16, 2018
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Canadians have set themselves some admirable financial goals, but many are struggling to meet these commitments, according to a poll by RBC. Half of Canadians ranked retirement savings as one of their top financial priorities, yet a quarter of those people are not putting any money toward this goal. Homeownership was a priority for 47% […]

  • November 17, 2009 June 16, 2018
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• Visit the Advisor.ca ETF Centre One of the world’s largest exchange traded fund providers, PowerShares has launched in Canada — not as an ETF, but as a suite of corporate class mutual funds wrapped around an underlying ETF. Advisors are clearly the target market for the new product launch by Invesco Trimark, which brings […]

  • November 16, 2009 June 16, 2018
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When you manage one of the country’s largest domestic equity funds, you could probably be forgiven a little home country bias. Fidelity Canada’s Maxime Lemieux, believes it’s the continued growth of the emerging markets that ultimately places Canadian companies in good stead. Lemieux is one of the key presenters at Fidelity’s Fall Tour, which is […]

  • November 13, 2009 June 16, 2018
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