Home Mark Yamada

Arguments for and against smart beta

  • October 28, 2016 September 6, 2018
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Taking uncompensated risks like Ginger Rogers

  • June 24, 2016 September 7, 2018
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Check sector exposures

  • December 11, 2015 September 7, 2018
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A look at this asset class, 25 years later

  • June 26, 2015 September 8, 2018
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“Just because other kids do it doesn’t make it right.” How often did we hear that admonishment growing up? How many of us have repeated it to our children? Yet, we don’t always apply this theory when making investment decisions.

  • February 20, 2015 July 17, 2018
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Timing markets is not easy. Convention has led to asset mixes that reflect the investor’s risk tolerance or desired level of return, based on historical results. Periodically rebalancing to that fixed strategic asset mix has become routine.

  • January 12, 2015 August 23, 2018
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Foregoing stock selection for sector selection with ETFs, and picking the ones expected to do best, is a way to outperform the competition.

  • December 1, 2014 September 8, 2018
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Consider low-cost ETFs when you’re helping clients build portfolios.

  • November 26, 2014 September 8, 2018
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How to pick the right ETFs for your lineup

  • October 14, 2014 September 8, 2018
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What you’ll learn will surprise you

  • May 16, 2014 September 8, 2018
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