Home Michelle Munro

Make the most of your cottage by renting it out when you’re not there.

  • December 2, 2013 July 17, 2018
  • 00:00

Even though tax returns aren’t due until April 30, December is an important month for tax planning. Here are some important tax planning measures that must be completed before December 30.

  • December 13, 2011 August 21, 2018
  • 13:14

If you have clients who are turning 71 this year and are in good health, by all means congratulate them. Even in an era of growing life expectancy, 71 is a notable age. It is also an important marker in a person’s financial lifetime because this is the age at which individuals are required by […]

  • November 2, 2010 June 16, 2018
  • 12:27

I was skiing over the holidays with a friend who happens to be a lawyer specializing in family law. When I casually asked about her business she told me the holiday season is often the calm before the storm. It turns out many couples put troubled marriages on hold through December. Then, they ring in […]

  • January 20, 2010 August 21, 2018
  • 10:45

The idea of Budget 2009 is to get more cash in Canadians’ hands, cash that, hopefully, they will be predisposed to spend, thereby stimulating the economy. Encouragement for investors is much more subtle, but it is there. If you dig deeper into the budget, you will find other measures that could have a positive impact […]

  • February 9, 2009 June 16, 2018
  • 14:47

They say bad news travels fast, and this has undeniably been the case in the markets of late. I’ve been dismayed to see my equity-weighted RRSPs shrink in recent weeks, and it’s likely most of your clients have witnessed this happening to their accounts too. While that might make your clients nervous, remember that what […]

  • November 21, 2008 June 16, 2018
  • 00:01

One of the benefits of living in an interconnected world is that we can draw on the experiences and lessons from different countries to successfully manage new product rollouts in Canada. While other countries don’t have the exact same Tax-Free Savings Account setup as we will, it’s still worth looking at similar products around the […]

  • October 8, 2008 June 16, 2018
  • 00:01