Home Natasha van Bentum

Estate planning for farmer clients

  • January 27, 2017 August 21, 2018
  • 00:08

Farmers increasingly face challenges in the transfer of land from one generation to another

  • January 20, 2017 January 20, 2017
  • 00:00

As a young boy, Jim Little spent many hours observing wildlife near his grandparents’ land in Peace River Country in northern British Columbia.

  • March 2, 2015 September 9, 2018
  • 00:00

Make the most of the Ecological Gifts Program.

  • November 17, 2014 September 6, 2018
  • 06:00

Habitat loss and degradation are the greatest threats to biodiversity in Canada today. Thanks to Environment Canada’s Ecological Gifts Program, with its unique tax advantages, more Canadians can leave a legacy for tomorrow and receive a tax break today.

  • April 7, 2014 August 21, 2018
  • 06:00

Environment Canada seems an unlikely partner in saving taxes, but its Ecological Gifts Program can do just that. With the help of the program, Don and Heather Elliott have conserved a rare seven-hectare woodlot northeast of Barrie, Ontario into perpetuity. “Don wanted to protect a small corner of the world to ensure future generations could experience the same joy he had as a child while playing in the woodlot,” explains Heather.

  • April 1, 2011 August 21, 2018
  • 15:22