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The country’s leading provider of financial learning, credentials, and certification, CSI Global Education Inc., has been sold to Moody’s Corporation, subject to customary closing adjustments. CSI will operate within Moody’s Analytics, strengthening the ratings agency’s capabilities for delivering credit training programs, research and analytical services, and risk management software to financial institutions worldwide. “We are […]

  • November 22, 2010 June 16, 2018
  • 10:00

Blog Polls Yesterday, Ontario Finance Minister Dwight Duncan outlined a plan to introduce “a robust regulatory framework” governing over the counter derivatives, which as a group have been cast as the villains behind the global financial crisis of 2008. The tricky part will be developing the mandated uniform regulation for a market made up of […]

  • November 19, 2010 June 16, 2018
  • 11:50

Mutual funds rode a wave of investor optimism in October, racking up nearly $1.46 billion total net sales, according to data from the Investment Funds Institute of Canada. That’s a massive increase from September’s $252.2 million, and October 2009’s $82.6 million. Industry assets under management climbed $11.3 billion to $615.9 billion, a gain of 1.9% […]

  • November 15, 2010 August 21, 2018
  • 14:15

The CPP Fund ended its second quarter of fiscal 2011 with a balance of $138.6 billion, up from $129.7 billion at the end of the first quarter on June 30, 2010. The second quarter was kind to global equity markets, and investment returns accounted for $8.4 billion of the increase—a return of 6.6%. Inflows of […]

  • November 10, 2010 August 21, 2018
  • 09:30

Canadians are coming to grips with the notion that their original retirement plan might not work out as they expected, according to a survey by AXA. The 2010 edition of the Retirement Scope survey found an increasing number of Canadians now believe they will have to work later into life than they had planned. On […]

  • November 9, 2010 August 21, 2018
  • 14:05

Canadian women need to step up and take charge of their finances if they want to feel secure, according to one prominent woman in the financial services industry. Only half of Canadian women are satisfied with their investments, while the remaining 49% are concerned or frequently worried, according to the 10th annual TD Waterhouse Female […]

  • November 9, 2010 September 6, 2018
  • 14:03

Nearly two years after it was first made available, the tax free savings account (TFSA) continues to confuse many Canadians, according to a survey conducted for the Bank of Montreal. Only 20% of respondents knew that mutual funds could be held within a TFSA, while just 26% were aware they could hold a GIC in […]

  • November 9, 2010 June 16, 2018
  • 09:55

Canadians owe a record $1.01 trillion through their mortgages, an increase of 7.6% over last year. But most appear comfortable with their debt load, according to the Canadian Association of Accredited Mortgage Professionals (CAAMP). The organization’s sixth Annual State of the Residential Mortgage Market report found that 84% believed they could handle an increase of […]

  • November 8, 2010 August 21, 2018
  • 15:24

It probably comes as no surprise, but American consumers are planning to spend less this holiday season than they did last year, according to the RBC Consumer Outlook Index. The monthly survey found that 46% of shoppers plan to spend less, and an additional 8% said they will spend nothing at all. Matters were no […]

  • November 4, 2010 June 16, 2018
  • 14:48

While the stock markets have (eventually) responded enthusiastically to the Federal Reserve’s second round of quantitative easing, economists question whether the program will have the desired effect of re-inflating the U.S. economy. At best, the Fed appears to have simply ensured interest rates will remain at rock-bottom levels at least until June. That would be […]

  • November 4, 2010 August 21, 2018
  • 12:43