To save you time, we’ve created emails you can personalize and send to clients on the important topics they want your guidance on.

It’s another feature of AdvisorToClient that’s designed to facilitate your conversations with clients. Besides email shares, the site is full of Action Steps, Conversation Starters and other tools help invigorate your client relationships.

To use these emails, just copy our template into your email application, choose which stories you’d like to pass along to particular clients, and hit send.

[subject line]
IMPORTANT – follow up on charitable giving discussion

Hi [client’s first name],

[Advisor’s first name] here – hope this message finds you well.

You might remember we spoke a little about charitable giving back in [date in the past]. While we were discussing your estate plan, you mentioned supporting certain causes was an important goal for you, but you hadn’t really settled on exactly how to do it.

I’ve heard similar things from several of my clients. In my experience, a lot of us are trying to figure out how we might accomplish our charitable giving goals, while maintaining maximum flexibility about where our donations ultimately end up.

I think I’ve found something you might be interested in: it’s called a donor-advised fund. It has a pretty attractive giving structure, so I’m putting on a seminar for a select group of clients on [date].

These clients are roughly the same age as you, and all have similar charitable goals. I want to educate you about donor-advised funds, so you can get a clearer sense of their benefits, which include:

• the ability to do “big picture” estate planning now, and sort out the details later
• tax-free compounding of donations within the structure
• power to specify which charities get what, how much, and when
• minimal fees and hassles compared with other giving strategies

[first name], based on the discussions we’ve had, I know giving back is an important issue for you, and you want to do it the smart way. That’s exactly what this seminar will address. Learning about donor-advised funds will help you get more bang for your charitable buck. It’s that simple.

I’m not inviting all of my clients to this event – just those I feel would benefit most, and have spoken to me about charitable giving. However, seating is limited, so if you’re interested, please give [assistant’s first name] a call at [number] as soon as possible.

Best regards,

[first name]

[ First name ] [ last name ]
[ Position / title ]