Does the idea of making cash flow changes fill you with dread? It doesn’t have to be that way.

Gusto, according to dictionaries, is enthusiasm, delight and satisfaction.

Now, wouldn’t it be great if these types of words described your attitude toward your financial plan?

Curbing spending isn’t about sacrifice and delayed gratification. Instead, it’s about living an enjoyable life today, while not giving up the pleasure of your secure financial future in the process.

So, are you living with gusto? Your goal: Be as excited about your daily life and career as you are about vacations and retirement.

To do this, focus on what you love and on your cash flow needs.

Through effective planning with your advisor, you can reach your goals. The side effects of cash flow planning go far beyond simply spending more responsibly and servicing your debts. Through tailored, long-term solutions, you can gain control and live with gusto.

Stephanie Holmes-Winton is a Halifax based financial services educator, author and speaker.