It’s human nature to look at past performance to try and gauge what the future holds.

While that makes good sense in some situations, you know there’s more to investing than that.

Prepare for whatever the market has in store by reading these articles.

Prepare for rising rates

“Many who examine equity markets or discuss economic trends rightly focus on how low interest rates have been in recent years. But in the investment world, most things that go down eventually come up, and that means it’s only a matter of time before rates rise.” Read more.

Unload worthless stock

“Despite the best planning and practices, sometimes you end up stuck with worthless stock. Those worthless shares can’t even be traded because the issuing company is insolvent, going through bankruptcy, or closing up shop.” Read more.

Tips for analyzing markets

“In all market environments, returns are driven by three factors, says Tom O’Gorman of Franklin Bissett Investment Management.” Read more.

Play it safe with market-neutral strategies

“You may have heard the term “hedged hedge funds.” It’s an expression some money managers use to differentiate what they do from the hedge funds that wind up in newspaper headlines.” Read more.